Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who is "The Rider" and what are his goals with this website?

Hello, my name is Brother Will. You can call me "The Rider", Rider, Ryder, Brother Will, Brother, Will, Bill, William, Willie, Brother Bill, Brother William, Brother Willie, Prophet, Man, Sexy, Dude or friend.

I hope that this blog will be a place where I can share honest thoughts about life, or lack of. A place to post interesting videos and photographs. I'm most excited to talk about good records and songs by artists well known and, more than often, by artists you'll never hear on Top 40 or on the shitty TV shows and commercials or "underground indie" satellite/web stations you look to for good music. 

Just so you know, I hate most "indie rock". I do enjoy "independent" music. Often times, the music that was viewed as super lame by the "hip" or "edgy" people in the past 5 decades, is now the most radical sounding music you can find in the used record stores. I read some of these reviews on new records that get high marks and I feel so alone. I don't get it. All these new records are filled with cheap tricks, cliche recording techniques and the worst crime of all - AUTO TUNING (or "pitch tweaking" as I like to call it). Its such bullshit. These fucking singers that aren't good enough to sing it right naturally, rely on computers to fix their notes when they can't hit them. EVERY singer on CMT uses it. It sounds so mechanical. I swear I can spot it almost every time. What's worse is now I am hearing it on these awards shows. Can you believe it? People that don't even deserve these music awards of excellence in the first place, rub it in our face by getting up on live TV and use computer assistance to make them come across as great singers. Look, I love live, raw vocals. In rock, you don't always need a perfect voice. It helps, but it is not ALWAYS necessary to hit every note. But...if you're gonna build your entire career around being a singer of a vocal band ala Rascal Flatts or a pop star like Duffy or Katy Perry, well, DAMN THEM!!! DAMN THEM TO OBSCURITY. Ok, ok, more on that later...

I promise to post only music made by humans and sung in natural human voices. For now, let me say "Welcome to my Blog!!!" 

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